Experience new e-mobility
New e-mobility means safety for the user to achieve his goals and to accomplish tasks without having to pay attention to the range of his electric vehicle. Port New provides various technologies to charge the batteries of all electric vehicles quickly and safely and provide the best comfort for the user. At the same time, Port New's technologies are constantly evolving to meet diverse and changing needs.
eMobility - Charging systems
Charging station eMoCAB M3
The all-rounder of Port New’s technologies is the charging station eMoCAB M3. With up to eight simultaneously usable charging points and a robust construction, it fulfills the requirements of an urban environment with permanent use. The user selects his product via a touch display and is billed using modern payment methods. From pre-paid credit to mobile payment, all options are available. Currently, the user has a charging power of up to 2x 11 kW available.
- Ladesäule aus Edelstahl
- Abmessung BxHxT: 480x1540x260mm
- Bedienung über 5,7“ Color-Touchdisplay
- vandalismussichere Ausführung
- vorkonfektionierte Seitenmodule mit wahlweise
4 x Schuko-Steckdosen
1 x Typ2-Autoladedose + 1 x Schuko oder
1 x CEE- und 1 x Schuko-Steckdose - sonstige Steckdosen auf Anfrage möglich
- damit bis zu 8 (!) Ladepunkt pro Ladesäule verfügbar
- Zugangsregelung über PIN-Abfrage oder RFID-Karte oder Mobiltelefon möglich
- optional mit Vorbereitung für Anschluss an das öffentliche Stromnetz gem. TAB (d.h. für HAK und elektron. Zähler)
- Säule ist netzwerkfähig über RJ45, d.h. darüber ist Fernwartung möglich
- optional Lichtpaket mit Dämmerungsfunktion
- optional mit elektronischen Zählern für jede einzelne Steckdose, diese können verschiedenste elektotechnische Kenngrößen während des Ladevorganges messen, speichern und im Display anzeigen (u.a. Blind-, Wirkleistung).

Wall Box eMoBox KH00
As an application for the private or commercial fleet sector, the wall box of Port New offers all the features. It can either be used for direct charging with up to two connection points or via the eMoSat as a satellite system. With currently up to 11 kW power, electric vehicles can be charged. The Wall Box is ideal for use in public and semi-public areas such as car parks and parking lots.
Charging station eMoBike
The charging station for electric bicycles offers a particularly easy handling for the user. The battery and cable can remain in one of up to four storage compartments of the charging station during the charging process, secured by a coin deposit.

Master-slave solution eMoSat
Especially for fleets and in the public sector, the control of satellite charging stations is the ideal solution for handling a large number of charging stations. Based on a master charging station, Port New offers the handling of up to 50 satellite charging stations. Only billing is required on the Master. In this way, easy handling is guaranteed to the user and offered a uniform billing concept.